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TBC Does That #4: Meet ALTA Survey Standards

What TBC does:

In the U.S., ALTA/NSPS land title surveys must meet specific standards created by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). The designation is a sign of quality often required for high-value commercial real estate transactions. TBC generates an ALTA/NSPS Allowable Relative Tolerance Report to ensure your survey data is in compliance with all requirements.

How this helps you:

Meeting the requirements of an ALTA/NSPS survey can be extra time consuming. Accurate measurements of property boundaries and dense LiDAR point clouds depicting all buildings and improvements and other features are necessary. By completing a thorough data collection the first time, costly revisits to the survey site are kept to a minimum. With this data in hand, you can process everything in the TBC software and complete your survey.

How it works:

TBC generates an ALTA/NSPS Allowable Relative Tolerance Report that provides relative positional precision information and exceeded point tolerances. If standards for a legal description are not met, the user reviews and corrects errors, and re-measures as necessary. The report is an excellent quality control tool to validate that your data meets all the requirements to support an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey.

Pro tip: The customized reporting feature in TBC allows you to create templates and edit reports in Microsoft Word for delivery to your client. 

For more instructions about how to generate ALTA/NSPS surveys and reports with TBC, refer to "Run an ALTA/NSPS Allowable Relative Tolerance Report" in TBC Help.

The “TBC Does That” series, written by the Trimble Business Center (TBC) Team, focuses on the broad range of functionality that TBC delivers to you. Periodically we will release information to help you improve productivity by making the most of TBC’s built-in tools.